About Us
Back in September 2019, just before Covid chaos, I took the plunge and opened up Caley Paige. Before that, I was in full-on mom mode for 17 years as a stay at home mom. But as my kids started growing up, and needing me a little less, I realized I needed something more for myself, and needed to really figure out my purpose in life and how in the world I could glorify God with it, so after about a year and a half of praying about it, does were opened things just fell into place, and Caley Paige became a reality. Now, my husband and I are finishing up our first season of life as empty-nesters, with all three of our kiddos off at Auburn University. We've got Cam, the senior, Carter, the sophomore, and our youngest, Caley who the store is named after, is now a freshman. My God and my family are absolutely everything to me. It's been quite the ride! And I try my very best to never take for granted that I get to spend my time doing something that I love.
- Brooke